Unlocking the Meaning of the World Tarot Card

Unlocking the Meaning of the World Tarot Card

The World card is one of the most powerful cards in a Tarot deck. It symbolizes an ending, a completion, and a sense of victory. It signifies that a person’s goals have been achieved, and they are ready to move on to their next endeavor. But what do the physical, mental, and spiritual pros and cons mean for those who draw this card? Let’s take a look at each aspect in turn.

Physical Pros & Cons

The physical aspects of drawing the World card suggest that you have achieved success in whatever it is you were striving for. You have likely undertaken some sort of journey, both physically and mentally, to get here. This could be anything from finding a job or having a successful business venture to completing an educational course or simply achieving inner peace through meditation. Whatever your goal was, you’ve now reached it and can proudly call yourself successful!

Mental Pros & Cons

The mental pros and cons associated with drawing the World card are quite similar to its physical counterparts. Drawing this card means that whatever goal you set out to achieve has been accomplished through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. You may feel proud of your accomplishment but also slightly overwhelmed by what comes next—the possibilities are endless! Now is the time to focus on what you want to achieve next mentally and make sure to stay on track with your goals so that you don’t become stagnant or complacent in your newfound success.

Spiritual Pros & Cons

On the spiritual level, drawing the World tarot card indicates that you have found balance in life. This could mean anything from finding harmony between two opposing forces such as love/hate or dark/light; understanding how all things are connected; discovering inner peace; or simply becoming more aware of yourself and others around you. With this newfound balance comes great power; use it wisely!

The World tarot card is often thought of as one of the most powerful cards in any given Tarot deck because it represents completion and victory over something we had previously set out to accomplish. Whatever it was we were striving for—whether physical goals such as getting a job or degree or spiritual goals such as finding inner peace—the attainment of these goals gives us a sense of satisfaction as well as power over our lives going forward. Use this newfound power wisely!


#21 Major Arcana World Card

Associated with the Major and Minor Arcana cards #3


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