The Seven of Cups: A Card of Infinite Possibilities
In tarot, the Seven of Cups is a card that represents infinite possibility. This is the card of dreams and wishes, of hope and possibilities. When you see this card in a reading, it is a reminder that anything is possible if you just believe.
The Seven of Cups is also known as the "wish card" because it signifies that now is the time to make your dreams come true. If you have been wanting something for a long time, this is the time to go after it. This is not a time to sit idly by and wait for things to happen; this is a time to take action and make your own destiny.
When you see the Seven of Cups in a reading, it is important to pay attention to what your heart is telling you. This is a time to follow your bliss and go after what you really want in life. It doesn't matter if what you want seems impossible; with enough faith and determination, anything is possible. Trust your intuition and let your heart guide you. The world is full of infinite possibilities; all you have to do is seize them.
If you are ever feeling lost or confused, look to the Seven of Cups for guidance. This card reminds us that anything is possible if we just believe. Follow your heart and trust your intuition; the world is yours for the taking. Seize the day and go after what you really want in life; it's time to make your dreams come true!