The Page of Cups and What It Means for You
In tarot readings, the Page of Cups is often thought to represent a new beginning. This card can indicate that you are about to embark on a new adventure or that you are feeling creatively inspired and ready to pursue your passions. If you see the Page of Cups in your reading, it may be a sign that you are ready to start something new.
This Page is all about new beginnings, so if you see this card in your reading, it's time to start something fresh. Whether you're feeling creatively inspired or ready to embark on a new adventure, the Page of Cups is a sign that you should go for it! Overcome any fears or doubts you may have, and trust that you are capable of achieving great things. The world is your oyster—now is the time to explore it!
The Page of Cups is a reminder that we should always be open to new experiences. It's when we step out of our comfort zones and take chances that we learn and grow the most. So if you see this card in your reading, don't be afraid to seize the opportunity for something new. Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and let the adventure begin!