What You Need to Know About the Strength Card in Tarot Major Arcana

The Strength card is a major arcana card, meaning it is one of the most important cards in a tarot deck. It is associated with both physical and spiritual strength, and is tied to courage, self-discipline, and perseverance. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this powerful card when it comes to physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

Physical Strength: On the physical level, the Strength card is all about balance. It speaks to having control over our bodies and using that power for good instead of evil. On the positive side, it can represent taking up healthy activities like exercising or eating well; on the negative side, it could refer to overdoing it on either end (too much exercise or too much junk food). Ultimately though, it's about having control over our physical selves.

Mental Strength: Mental strength is key when interpreting the Strength card because it speaks to having emotional intelligence and understanding how our emotions are affecting us. It represents being able to process difficult feelings without letting them overwhelm us, as well as being able to make decisions based on what will bring us joy rather than fear or anxiety. On the downside though, this card can also indicate an inability to make decisions or lack of confidence in ourselves which can lead to stagnation or self-sabotage.

Spiritual Strength: The Strength card speaks volumes about spiritual strength too; it encourages us to explore our inner depths without getting lost in them. This means being able to recognize our innermost desires without becoming overwhelmed by them; knowing ourselves deeply but not allowing ourselves to become consumed by those depths. On its flipside though, this card can also indicate an inability to stay grounded if we become too focused on exploring these depths; resulting in confusion as opposed to clarity.

In summary, the Strength card from Tarot Major Arcana highlights both positives and negatives when it comes to physical, mental and spiritual strength – encouraging us not only explore our innermost depths but also have enough discipline and control over ourselves so that we don't get lost in them. Ultimately though this powerful card encourages us embrace our strengths while still recognizing when we need help – something that will serve us well no matter how long we practice tarot reading!


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